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Top 3 Facebook Engagement Tips—What Makes Pet Owners Engage With Your Posts?
There are two key metrics I report on for my veterinary clients each month—Reach and Engagement. Whereas a post’s reach tells me how many people

Take the L Out of Lover…Managing Poor Customer Reviews
What To Do When The Love Is Gone FEBRUARY is typically the month of love. But what do you do when your customer leaves you a

Top 5 CANVA Tips for Vets
In the past few years, CANVA has become the most popular online design and publishing tool for individuals and businesses alike. The rise of social

Trolls – How to Banish the Bullies and Protect Your Brand
It’s not enough that veterinary staff are regularly abused and harassed in practice. There is a long line of bullies who don’t have enough backbone

Instagram Highlight Reels
Although Instagram Stories only last for 24 hours, they can be archived into Highlight Reels that followers can browse at any time. Sorting your Stories

Emotional Intelligence in Social Media
Have you ever wondered why emojis and image-based posts are still so popular on business social media pages? And do they really matter in business?

The Client Database – Leveraging Your Most Valuable Marketing Tool
Before spending your marketing budget on expensive communications, campaigns, printing and giveaways, look no further than your own practice management system. Your client database contains

Engagement Fatigue – Overcoming Social Media Overload
Checking social media feeds regularly is a habit for many people but it takes time. In the busy lives of pet owners, veterinary social media

Generational Service Delivery
I noticed recently that I intuitively change my communication style when speaking to different generations of people. For example when addressing an elderly person I

The Top 5 Customer Service Complaints In Veterinary Practice – And How To Prevent Them
When I’m asked to deliver customer service training to veterinary nurses, the first things I ask are ‘Where do you think your service is lacking?’

Service Without A Smile – Communicating Effectively While Wearing A Mask
We have been incredibly lucky here in Perth with zero community spread since the onset of the pandemic, so most of us were hit with

Pre-Admission Communications – Delivering A Gold Standard Customer Experience
This week I went for a minor medical procedure at a (human!) clinic I had never visited before. Although I had complete confidence in their