Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.
Benjamin Franklin
In an age of online reviews, increased competition and high expectations, customers are more willing than ever to abandon one brand for another.
Knowledge sharing and the acquisition of new skills are crucial to any veterinary practice wanting to deliver superior service and to stand out from the pack.
At Waggy Dog we understand that people learn differently and by different methods. We recognise that there is a wealth of knowledge and experience in every practice that is often untapped. Rather than replacing old skills with new, we believe in leveraging the existing knowledge base and adding new skills and learnings through interactive and supportive training activities.
Our aim is to help veterinary teams to be more creative, confident and enthusiastic about delivering the ultimate customer experience – every time.
Need a little extra help with specialised skills? Ask us about our one to one coaching for team members in niche roles such as outbound calling, reception or marketing.
Being a vet AND running a busy practice requires you to be up to date with veterinary medicine, business, marketing, HR and just about everything else! We can advise you on your marketing plan and help you to create strategies that will retain and attract new clients, letting you get on with the daily business of running of your practice.
Register your interest
If you’d like to book a workshop for your team or simply have an informal chat about your training requirements, we’d love to hear from you.